Pest Control
in Summersville, WV, Craigsville, WV, and Richwood, WV

Metrick Pest Control Provides Superior Services in Nicholas County, WV
When you need pest control in Summersville, WV, Craigsville, WV, and Richwood, WV, choose Metrick Pest Control. Whether you are a business owner, homeowner, or landlord in Nicholas County, WV, we defend your property from a pest invasion. You might not know it, but your property has various access points for pests. Termites, cockroaches, wasps, rodents, bees, and other pests can find their way into your home. With Metrick Pest Control professionals by your side, we will develop moisture control measures to eliminate pests within your property.
Call our team at Metrick Pest Control at (304) 763-5261 for our affordable services in Summersville, Craigsville, and Richwood, WV.
We Provide Protection Against These Pests and Others:








Bed Bugs
We Tackle Moisture Control in Craigsville, WV
Do you have any annoying pests in your Craigsville, WV home? We know these pests are a health hazard to your family, so we respond quickly to get rid of them. Our team is highly skilled in identifying the sources of moisture inside your property. The moisture spots are where pests can survive. Plumbing leaks, condensation inside walls, or areas with soil moisture in a crawlspace are nesting spots. Our pest control experts will also recommend effective moisture control measures, and ways to eliminate all the pests.

Our Exterminator Rids Your Richwood, WV, Property of Pests
Your Richwood, WV, home could be creating an environment that encourages unwanted pests to thrive. You could be dealing with cockroaches, flies, termites, spiders, and other unwanted visitors. That is why we are here to help. Our exterminator will exterminate all the unwanted insects and pests. We will also develop a moisture control strategy to keep away these pests.
Trust Us to Stop the Pest Invasion in Summersville, WV
Whichever pests may have invaded your Summersville, WV home, you can trust us to eliminate them quickly. We have the right tools to do a thorough inspection, and identify humid areas that could encourage pest infestation. Our team will then customize a plan to prevent pest infestation at your Nicholas County, WV, location.
Contact us for pest control in Summersville, WV, Craigsville, WV, and Richwood, WV.