Pest Control
in Beaver, WV, and Surrounding Areas

Metrick Pest Control Provides Expert Pest Control Services
When you need pest control in Beaver, WV, and surrounding areas, choose the experts at Metrick Pest Control. Beaver, WV is one of the most beautiful areas of the country with surrounding mountains, lush forests, and plentiful streams. The natural environment provides an abundance of food and shelter for all sorts of wildlife, including pests. Homes are much warmer and more comfortable than the outdoors, and there’s usually something for them to eat indoors. If pests are coming into your house, you need pest control services.
Call Metrick Pest Control at (304) 763-5261 today to get a free inspection and quote for pest control.
We Provide Protection Against These Pests and Others:
Bed Bugs
Metrick Pest Control Offers Pest and Moisture Control Services
If your roof, siding, or foundation leaked into your home, you can almost guarantee that water is sitting in insulation. That creates the perfect environment for pests. Replace wet insulation or insulation that’s been infested with pests urgently. Animal waste carries the risks of spreading diseases if it becomes airborne. So it is not safe to keep dirty insulation in your home. We can help you get rid of contaminated insulation, and replace it with new, dry, energy-rated insulation.

Trust Our Services to Control Moisture and Prohibit Pests
Some moisture control includes patching holes in roofs, and screening off downspouts and other areas in gutters. Squirrels and other rodents chew holes and gain entry into the home from those entry points. Patching and screening are just two small ways we can make a difference in your pest control efforts. When water leaks through holes in roofs and gutters, it causes water damage that can lead to worsening pest problems. Metrick Pest Control has expert pest exclusion specialists that can spot and exclude nearly all pathways pests use for entry.
Do Not Let Termites Damage Your Home
Termites can cause extensive damage in just a few months. If you see signs of termites, contact us right away. We have very effective treatment methods for extermination of termites that last for up to five years. Metrick Pest Control has decades of experience, and all the tools and knowledge needed to exterminate the termites and other pests. Call our exterminator now for an inspection and quote.
Contact us online today for pest control in Beaver, WV, and surrounding areas.